Technical solutions

A comprehensive approachanchor

Building technically complex web solutions

In today's digital landscape, crafting technically complex web solutions demands a blend of cutting-edge technologies, agile methodologies, and meticulous testing processes. At Axistwelve, we leverage the latest tech stack, including Symfony and Drupal, to deliver robust and scalable solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Embracing latest technologiesanchor

And serve our clients' needs

Our development team harnesses the power of frameworks such as Symfony (Acas, Cafcass) and Drupal (West Kowloon, Bexley), renowned for their flexibility, scalability, and robust feature sets. We prioritise selecting the most suitable technologies based on the unique requirements of each client. Whether leveraging established platforms or adopting emerging tools, our flexible approach ensures that every technological decision is driven by the desire to deliver optimal solutions that meet and exceed client expectations. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, we ensure that our solutions are not only future-proof but also capable of seamlessly integrating with emerging trends and innovations.


Navigating complex requirements with agility

Navigating through complex project requirements is a hallmark of our approach. We embrace agile development methodologies, allowing us to adapt swiftly to evolving client needs, prioritize features effectively, and deliver incremental value at every stage of the development lifecycle. This agile mindset fosters collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement, ensuring that our solutions align perfectly with our clients' strategic objectives.

Quality assuranceanchor

Rigorous testing for uncompromised quality

Quality is non-negotiable in our development process. We employ rigorous testing methodologies to validate every aspect of our solutions, from functionality and performance to security and user experience. Our comprehensive testing strategies, coupled with automated testing frameworks, guarantee that each line of code meets the highest standards of reliability and robustness before deployment.

Automated testinganchor

Efficiency and accuracy

Automated testing plays a pivotal role in our website development process. By leveraging automated testing frameworks, we streamline the testing phase, reduce human error, and ensure consistent test coverage across different devices, browsers, and user scenarios. This approach not only accelerates the testing cycles but also enhances the accuracy of our test results, allowing us to identify and address potential issues proactively.


Designing for extensibility and scalability

Our approach to system design revolves around extensibility and scalability. We craft architectures that are not only robust and reliable but also flexible enough to accommodate future enhancements and expansions seamlessly. This modular and extensible design philosophy enables our clients to scale their platforms effortlessly as their business evolves, without compromising on performance or stability.

For instance, when working with clients like West Kowloon, we understand the complexities of deploying web solutions across diverse geographic locations, including regions with challenging hosting environments like China. To address this, we developed a specific architecture that allows for seamless deployment of the same site across different countries while ensuring compliance with local regulations, and resilience in the face of hosting challenges.

Open sourceanchor

Harnessing the power of open source technologies

Open-source technologies form the backbone of our development ecosystem. By leveraging the collaborative efforts of the global open-source community, we access a vast array of tools, libraries, and frameworks that accelerate development cycles, reduce costs, and foster innovation. This open approach not only enhances the quality and functionality of our solutions but also promotes transparency and interoperability across diverse tech stacks.

Get in Touch

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