Government services

Our experienceanchor

GOV.UK Services

Working with the UK government has been a transformative experience for our company, allowing us to play a pivotal role in enhancing public services. One aspect of our collaboration involves building transactional services, exemplified by our work with Acas. Here, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the Employment Tribunal Conciliation Service form, a critical tool for providing free conciliation services. This service is a mandatory step preceding employment tribunal claims and offers free conciliation for resolving employment disputes. Additionally, our engagement extends to crafting council websites for London boroughs. These platforms serve as vital hubs for local communities, offering a range of essential services and fostering engagement between residents and local authorities. Through these initiatives, we've embraced the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the efficiency and accessibility of government services while addressing the diverse needs of citizens and stakeholders.

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Supporting local communities

Council websites play a crucial role as central hubs for local communities, offering an array of essential services and facilitating meaningful engagement between residents and local authorities. Our experience in developing council sites for London boroughs like Bexley, Lambeth, and Merton has been instrumental in enhancing accessibility and connectivity for citizens. These platforms not only provide vital information about local services, events, and policies but also empower residents to interact with their councils, report issues, and access resources conveniently. By creating intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and incorporating features tailored to each borough's unique needs, we've helped foster a stronger sense of community involvement and empowerment, ultimately contributing to more efficient and responsive governance.

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Aligning with the standard

Our experience with GDS (Government Digital Service) assessments has been pivotal in ensuring that our public-facing projects meet the rigorous standards set by the UK government. When a service is used more than 10,000 times a year, undergoing a GDS assessment becomes mandatory to verify adherence to the service standard. This assessment process is designed to scrutinise every aspect of implementation, from user experience to technical functionality, ensuring that the service is user-centric, accessible, and efficient.

To meet these requirements, we assemble a team of GDS experts, including user researchers and UX designers with a proven track record in developing GDS services. Our approach started with in-depth user interviews, engaging a diverse panel of users to gather insights into their needs and pain points. Through rigorous analysis of feedback, we identified what worked well and areas that required improvement.

Utilising tools like Figma, we crafted prototypes that underwent frequent iterations based on user feedback. Our focus remained steadfast on understanding users' needs comprehensively, addressing the entire problem spectrum, and designing a service that is intuitive and accessible to all. Embracing a multidisciplinary team approach allows us to leverage diverse expertise and perspectives throughout the design process. The iterative nature of our work ensured continuous improvement, leading to a service that not only meets but exceeds the expectations outlined by GDS standards.

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